Astrologie alchemiche: Ermetismi in transizione e culture occidentali

  • Ezio Albrile independent scholar
Keywords: alchemy, astrology, hermetica, astral magic


Alchemy is the “sacred art” of the transmutation of metals or human beings, and often these two tendencies are expressed together in an allegorical mode infused with an astrological imager reflecting their mystical nature. The astrology is bound to alchemy in the search for the most favorable moment for commencing an enterprise (catarchic astrology) or in the form of the interrogational method, in which the horoscope of the precise moment at which a query is made to the astrologer is interpreted to provide an answer. Finally, the article illustrates these themes in some ancient manuscripts from Turin’s National University Library.


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Author Biography

Ezio Albrile, independent scholar
As an independent scholar in the history of religions of the ancient world, Ezio Albrile has been focusing for years on the relationships and interactions between pre-Islamic Iran and the religious phenomena connected with the Mystery and Gnostic religions. On these topics, moreover, he boasts a huge bibliography and a series of collaborations with various international universities and research institutes.


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