Biophilia as Emotion


Biophilia is defined as the innate human tendency to experience a bond or deep connection  with other forms of life. It is innate, but not instinctive, and it is based on a set of learning rules that appear to be genetically determined. The ways through which biophilia is manifested strongly suggest that would be best described as an emotion, intended as an immediate and consequent reaction to a natural stimulus, which may be positive (biophilia, sensu strictu) or negative (biophobia). In this article, we will attempt to contextualise biophilia and biophobia within the two principle theories of emotional development in the child: the Socioemotional Development Model by L.A. Sroufe and the Differential Emotion Theory by C.E. Izard. Whatever the origin and ontological development of biophilia may be, it is clear that the biophilic emotion constitutes a fundamental resource available to all human beings who are aware of their dependence upon the natural processes of this world, from which each of us draws physical, psychological and spiritual nourishment. 



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