The Contribution of the Capability Approach to the Understanding of Young People’s Sustainability Engagement as a Positive Developmental Outcome.

  • Giulia Rossi Ph.D. Free University of Bozen, Italy
  • Martin Dodman Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Sustainability, University of Torino


Young people’s engagement with sustainability includes both civic and pro environmental behaviors (e.g. environmental activism) that contribute to the development of sustainable communities. It reflects a holistic idea of sustainability, where civic democracy and ecological integrity are strictly interconnected. The lack of empirical studies exploring this kind of engagement among young people may well be a consequence of the lack in the literature of a shared theoretical model that provides a framework for both types of behaviors. By integrating Positive Youth Development with the Capability Approach, the aim of this paper is to provide new theoretical input as a way of filling this gap. The proposed model is based on the idea that both positive individual and sustainable development are a question of social justice that takes place within specific domains and is related to understanding experience within life courses.

Key words: Positive Youth Development; Capability Approach; Young people; Engagement; Sustainability

Author Biography

Martin Dodman, Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Sustainability, University of Torino




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