If Dante had known Phytoplankton. A comparison between literature and science through the didactics of metaphors.

  • Maria Rosaria Vadrucci Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale della Regione Puglia – Dipartimento di Lecce
  • Floriana Vitale Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Maria Teresa Duggento Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Caterina Alberani Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Aurora Calò Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Giorgia Giancane Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Beatrice Barbara Rizzelli Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Syria Schipa Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce
  • Roberto Visconti Liceo Classico Musicale, "G. Palmieri", Lecce


This project, conducted with Classical High School students, was developed under the "Alternating School and Work Experience" program (Italian Law n. 107/2015) between the "G. Palmieri" High School of Lecce and the Environmental Protection Agency of Puglia (ARPA), Department of Lecce, in Italy. In particular, this paper describes the “HABs’ world” allegorically, in terms of one of the most famous examples of Italian literature, the Divine Comedy. Harmful algal blooms, or HABs, occur when colonies of algae, simple photosynthetic organisms that live in the sea and freshwater, grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds. Since HABs can be defined as “bad”, based on their negative characteristics, some of these were compared to the sinful souls that Dante and Virgil encountered along their journey into Hell. It is argued that such integration of literary and scientific contexts in terms of ecological indicators helps students understand the relationship between the sustainability of human and environmental trajectories.

Key words: Phytoplankton, Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs), The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri, ecological indicators


Alighieri, D. La Divina Commedia - Nuova versione Integrale. A cura di Jacomuzzi, S., Dughera, A., Ioli, G., Jacomuzzi, V. (2014). SEI Eds.

Alighieri, D. The Divine Comedy. The Italian Text with a Translation in English Blank Verse and a Commentary by Courtney Langdon, 3 volumes (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, (1918, 1920, 1921). http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/167.

Anderson, D. M., Glibert, P. M., and Burkholder, J.M. (2002) Harmful Algal Blooms and Eutrophication: Nutrient Sources, Composition, and Consequences. Estuaries 25: 4b, 704–726.

Bravo, A. (2015) Building Public Awareness About HABs and Nutrient Pollution NALMS • LAKELINE 15.

Hallegraeff, G. M., Anderson, D. M., & Cembella, A. (2003) Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae, Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology. UNESCO, Paris.

Marshall, H. H. (1990) Metaphor as an instructional tool in encouraging student teacher reflection. Theory Into Practice, 29:2, 128-132.

MIUR (2015) Legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107. Riforma del sistema nazionale di istruzione e formazione e delega per il riordino delle disposizioni legislative vigenti. (15G00122) (GU Serie Generale n.162 del 15-07-2015).

The pictures of Posters 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are taken from Paul Gustave Doré, Dante, Divina Commedia - Inferno (1861)

The picture of Poster 4 (Medusa) is taken from Caravaggio, Uffizi Gallery (1597)

The pictures of microalgae are taken from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov, www.inlandbays.org, www.researchgate.net.

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