For an Applied Philosophy of Gastronomy

  • Jessica Jaques Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Ferran Adrià Writer


Applied philosophy considers as a single generative matrix the discursive praxis and its validation in a real object. It resignifies traditional metaphysics by blending it almost inextricably with a real praxis. It combines with and draws from artistic, ethical, educational, psychological, religious, ethnic, political, legal, economic, sociological, activists, linguistic, ecological or scientific practices. Now is the turn of gastronomy: in recent times, this field stopped being a mere practice to become a discursive generator of new ways of thinking. In the wake of Jean Antelme Brillat-Savarin and Filippo Tomasso Marinetti, contemporary cuisine is beginning its theoretical journey and, because of its strong bond with reality, this journey falls within the scope of applied philosophy.


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