Visible but unrecognized. The Case of Italian Islam

  • Paolo Naso Università Romatre


In this essay we will advance the thesis of an Italian Islam that over the years has progressively integrated and become one of the most important components of the Italian religious scene. In spite of this process, however, its juridical status remains undetermined and, while the institutions have given rise to various forms of "informal" recognition, those acts of formal juridical recognition envisaged by the law and by the Constitution itself (art. 8) remain far away.

Author Biography

Paolo Naso, Università Romatre

Paolo Naso teaches Political Science at Sapienza - University of Rome for which he conceived and coordinated the Master in Religions and Cultural Mediation. He currently coordinates the Council of Relations with Islam at the Ministry of Interior. Among his most recent publications L'incognita post secolare. Pluralismo religioso, fondamentalismi, laicità. Guiduida 2015; Il Dio dei migranti (with M. Ambrosini and C. Paravati), Il Mulino 2018; Le religioni sono vie di pace. Falso! (Laterza 2019; Martin Luther King. Una storia americana, Laterza 2021.
