Social Stock Exchange between academics and practitioners' view

  • Davide Calandra Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Matteo Favareto Università degli Studi di Torino
Keywords: Social stock exchange, Social enterprises, Impact investing, Academics, Practitioners


This paper aims to investigate social stock exchange (SSE) as an alternative market considering both academics and practitioners’ view. SSE is a platform typically used by social entrepreneurs to collect financial resources for measurable social or environmental projects. Through the analysis of 12 scientific papers and 132 documents, websites, blogs and titles reviewed by experts, the authors identify the main themes strictly connected to SSE. Notably, based on the previous gap analysis, this paper reveals definitions and tools which social stock exchange could address. Despite the potential importance of this alternative market, the study shows few SSEs. The discussion between academics and practitioners shows interest by social entrepreneurs in this investment vehicle, considering the debate under the accreditation and sectors. Thus, the paper contributes theoretically and practically to the primary literature providing to overcome the lack of evidence on SSE. This article concludes its journey suggesting a structured future research agenda.


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How to Cite
Calandra, D., & Favareto, M. (2020). Social Stock Exchange between academics and practitioners’ view. European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, 1(1b), 53-65.