Challenges of cross–sectoral collaboration of social enterprises in the Baltic states  

  • Audrone Urmanaviciene Tallinn University
  • Katerina Chantzi Tallinn University
  • Beverly Tambari Tallinn University
Keywords: Social enterprise, Cross-sector collaboration, Partenerships


Social enterprises are a new phenomenon in the Baltic States. To create a substantial social impact in society and scale their business, social enterprises in Baltic states need to create partnerships and collaborate with di fferent sectors. By forming partnerships with different sectors, social enterprises can provide effective solutions to social problems. The aim of this article is to identify the main factors for social enterprises to create successful collaboration and partnerships with private, and public sector organisations. The methods of research are an analysis of scientific literature, social entrepreneurs’ interviews, content analysis. The study also analyzed the main obstacles for social enterprises to collaborate with different sectors. The empirical findings of the study disclosed how to improve partnerships development with private, and public sectors. Following the theoretical and empirical research, the article suggests possible means of improving and developing partnerships.


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How to Cite
Urmanaviciene, A., Chantzi, K., & Tambari, B. (2021). Challenges of cross–sectoral collaboration of social enterprises in the Baltic states  . European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, 2(2), 59-75.