Opportunities and Challenges of Sustainable Development and Digital Revolution: the Italian case of Toolery

  • Federica Bosco Department of Management and Law, Faculty of Economics, Tor Vergata
  • Gloria Fiorani Department of Management and Law, Faculty of Economics, Tor Vergata
  • Alessandro Biagetti Toolery, Via Dedalo 27, 00133 Rome, Italy
Keywords: Digital transformation, Agenda 2030, Sustainable development goals (SDGs), Start-up, Case study, Analysis, e-commerce


This article explores how Digital Transformation can provide support for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN's 2030 Agenda. The article aims to provide a case study of the use of technology in a low-tech sector, the construction industry, in order to make the costs of reducing the positive impacts on the environment and people sustainable from an economic point of view as well. The article produces practical implications by describing strengths, weaknesses opportunities and major challenges of digital technologies for designing sustainable business models.


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How to Cite
Bosco, F., Fiorani, G., & Biagetti, A. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges of Sustainable Development and Digital Revolution: the Italian case of Toolery. European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, 2(2), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-9906/5763