Truth, Scholastic Transcendentals, and the Implications of Ideal-Realism


The paper explores the possibility of philosophical cooperation between Thomism and American pragmatism by resurrecting a largely forgotten debate between Wilmon Henry Sheldon and Jacques Maritain. The discussion focuses primarily on the problem of truth as it is discussed by Peirce and by some contemporary Thomists, including Maritain but also Milbank, Pickstock, Lonergan, Balthasar, Pieper, and Ulrich. The paper claims that, if we bring Peirce’s version of pragmatism into the picture, cooperation is not possible but likely to be fruitful for both pragmatism and Thomism.


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Come citare
Stango, M. (2022). Truth, Scholastic Transcendentals, and the Implications of Ideal-Realism. Filosofia, (67), 201-224.