P. Oxy. LXXXIV 5476 – 'Gryllos'?


Martin Reinfelder


In The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 84 (London 2019), H. Whitehouse published a papyrus containing one word and a drawing (‘P. Oxy. 5476: The Argonauts’ Boat on Wheels’). She connected the piece with the world of entertainment, more precisely, in her view, the papyrus perhaps served as the advertisement for a forthcoming dramatic performance. This paper presents another interpretation of the papyrus by drawing parallels to other pieces, which can be collected under the term ‘Grylloi.’


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Come citare
Reinfelder, M. (2020). P. Oxy. LXXXIV 5476 – ’Gryllos’?. Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.13135/2612-3908/4966
Papyrologica et Palaeographica