An Investigation into the Nūn al-Wiqāyati in Classical Arabic

  • Ali Faraj
Keywords: Classical Arabic, Nūn al-Wiqāyati, Medieval Arabic grammarians


The article aims to explain the denomination of the nūn al-wiqāyati (“the nūn of protection”) and its real function in classical Arabic, focusing on linguistics and the theories of the Arab grammarians. Explanations of its function fall broadly into two camps. One sees its function as a wiqāyati (“protection”) element, while the other considers it as a personal suffix, i.e. 1st p. sg. –nī as an object. At the same time this paper argues for the two personal endings for the 1st p. sg and –nī in order to reach an acceptable morphological analysis.
After reviewing the opinions of the classical and modern Arab grammarians about the nūn al-wiqāyati as an Arabic term, its original function becomes clear.


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Author Biography

Ali Faraj
Ali Faraj is a scholar of Semitic Languages and studies Arabic manuscripts, in particular incantation materials written in Arabic, Aramaic, Mandaic and Syriac held at the National Museum of Iraq. He is Professor of Arabic at Bicocca University in Milan and is Adjunct Professor at the Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan.


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