Dal combattente a Omar Gatlato: Modelli di mascolinità nell’Algeria indipendente

  • Jolanda Guardi University of Macerata
Keywords: Algeria, war of independence, Algerian cinema, Omar Gatlato


Shortly after independence (1962), Algeria put in place different political discourses in order to strengthen the new citizens’ identity. Among these the discourse about manhood was crucial and focused especially on the muǧāhid, the fighter, whose fighting allowed Algerian to conquer freedom and independence. Therefore, manhood became a political ideal engaging social and political dynamics devoted to define the man-woman relationships. Moreover, it helped constructing a collective and normative imaginary in line with the hegemonic masculinity (Robert Connell 1996), i.e., men’s identity was construed as a universal model influencing society as well as politics. In this paper I present different forms of this discourse and outline the characteristic of the “true” muǧāhid, underscoring how this was built in order to define an imaged manhood.


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Author Biography

Jolanda Guardi, University of Macerata
Jolanda Guardi currently teaches Arabic Literature and culture at the University of Macerata. She is the scientific director of the ILA-Arabic Certificate Program and Editor of Barzakh’s Series Translation from Arabic at Jouvence Publishing House. Guardi holds an International PhD in Anthropology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona. Her research focuses on the dynamics of intellectuals and power especially as deployed in Arabic literature and gender issues and is based on feminist research methodology. Among her latest publications: (2018) Arabic Literary Narratives on Homosexuality. In Achim Rohde, Christina von Braun, Stefanie Schuler-Springorum (eds.), National Politics and Sexuality in Transregional Perspective. London and New York: Routledge.


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