Terms of address in the Pubian dialect of Lampung (Indonesia)

  • Iing Sunarti University of Lampung
  • NO FIRST NAME Sumarti University of Lampung
  • Bambang Riadi University of Lampung
  • Gede Eka Putrawan University of Lampung
Keywords: Lampung, Pubian, terms of address, forms of address, norms for using terms of address


One of Lampung (Sumatra, Indonesia) sub-ethnic groups, the Pubian Lampung people, has unique and varied terms of address equipped with a set of rules to use them. However, despite the great importance of the terms of address of the Pubian dialect of the Lampung language as assets of local and national cultures that need attention, protection and development, few researchers have studied this issue. Hence, this study was aimed at investigating the terms of address used in the Pubian Lampung language. This study, which provides a descriptive analysis of the entire system of terms of address, was conducted through a qualitative approach in which the data were collected through observations and interviews. The results of this study show that the terms of address of the Pubian Lampung language include: 1. kinship terms of address based on blood relation and marriage; 2. non-kinship terms of address used to address conversation partners from the same ethnicity, newly-known/unknown conversation partners from the same ethnicity, known conversation partners from the same ethnicity, conversation partners of different ethnicities, newly-known or unknown conversation partners of different ethnicities, known conversation partners of different ethnicities; 3. terms of address based on family background which include religious, ordinary (non-noble), noble families; 4. terms of endearment; 5. terms of reference; 6. terms of address based on birth order; 7. customary title terms of address based on customary status/rank and marriage; 8. pronouns of address; 9. terms of address of proper names; and 10. religious terms of address. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study with some suggestions for future research are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Iing Sunarti, University of Lampung

Iing Sunarti is a lecturer in the Department of Language and Arts Education at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Her research interests are linguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics, and Indonesian language education. She holds a doctorate degree in Linguistics from Gadjah Mada University. She can be reached at iing.sunarti@fkip.unila.ac.id.

NO FIRST NAME Sumarti, University of Lampung

Sumarti is a lecturer in the Department of Language and Arts Education at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Her research interest is linguistics and its application in Indonesian language teaching and learning. She holds a doctorate degree in Indonesian language education from Education University of Indonesia. She can be reached at sumarti1970@fkip.unila.ac.id.

Bambang Riadi, University of Lampung

Bambang Riadi is a lecturer in the Department of Language and Arts Education at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. His research interests include technology and media in language teaching and learning, Indonesian language in foreign language learning, and sociolinguistics.

He would love to hear from you at bambangriadi.br@gmail.com  and/or bambang.riadi@fkip.unila.ac.id.

Gede Eka Putrawan, University of Lampung
Gede Eka Putrawan is a lecturer in the Department of Language and Arts Education at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. His research interests include translation and translation studies, translation in EFL teaching and learning, translation as a learning strategy, and language maintenance. He can be reached at gputrawan08@gmail.com and/or gputrawan08@fkip.unila.ac.id.


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