The First World War in the Interwar French Novel. Montherlant, Cocteau, Radiguet.

  • Pierangela Adinolfi Università degli Studi di Torino
Keywords: The Great War, Montherlant, Cocteau, Radiguet


The First World War in the Interwar French Novel. Montherlant, Cocteau, Radiguet. The Great War left a strong mark on the French novels of the interwar period, as those years exacerbated the subjective manifestations and the objective consequences of human uneasiness. The turmoil of personal conscience led to the creation of characters that flaunt an inextinguishable will for power, as can be seen in the works of Montherlant and Malraux. The narratives revolve around the life courses of exemplar characters that try to compensate for the restlessness of the self by searching for the exaltation and freedom of the individual. The space of the novel acquires mythical and symbolic values. The novel’s time is concentrated in magical moments. The characters become emblematic or allegoric figures. In this context, the transfiguration of the war experience is the underlying theme of Songe by Henry de Montherlant, Thomas l’imposteur by Jean Cocteau and Diable au corps by Raymond Radiguet. These novels’ heroes are the young protagonists of an initiation to life that occurs between the disorder of History and the aspiration to individual freedom.

Author Biography

Pierangela Adinolfi, Università degli Studi di Torino
Assistant professor of French Literature at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, and Modern Cultures (University of Turin). Her research interests focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature. In particular, she has published on the twilight of the Enlightenment and Romantic writers; nineteenth-century autobiography; atheist and Christian Existentialism; the rewriting of myths; the influence of foreign European cultures on French literature.


A. Sources

Cocteau, J. (2006), Thomas l’imposteur, in Id., Œuvres romanesques complètes, préface par Henri Godard, édition établie par Serge Linares, Paris, Gallimard («Bibliothèque de la Pléiade»).

Montherlant, H. de (1966), Va jouer avec cette poussière. Carnets 1958-1964, Paris, Gallimard.

Montherlant, H. de (1975), Le Songe, in Id., Romans et Œuvres de fiction non théâtrales, préface par Roger Secrétain, Paris, Gallimard («Bibliothèque de la Pléiade»).

Montherlant, H. de (1988), Essais, préface par Pierre Sipriot, Paris, Gallimard («Bibliothèque de la Pléiade»).

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Radiguet, R. (2012), Œuvres complètes, par Chloé Radiguet et Julien Cendres, Paris, Omnibus.

B. Ouvrages de littérature secondaire

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Adinolfi, P. (2010), Henry de Montherlant: lo stato attuale della critica, in “Studi Francesi”, n. 161, pp. 324-329.

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Macchia, G. (1975), Radiguet, l’ordine e l’astrazione, Torino, Einaudi.

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How to Cite
Adinolfi, P. (2014). The First World War in the Interwar French Novel. Montherlant, Cocteau, Radiguet. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 29-39.