Vol. 20 No. 2 (2020)
Original articles

La Medicina Generale del futuro: aspettative e timori dei colleghi in formazione - Ricerca qualitativa

Maria Milano
Corso di Formazione Specifica in Medicina Generale della Regione Piemonte, Torino;Società Italiana di Medicina Generale e delle cure primarie (SIMG) ;Società Italiana di Pedagogia Medica (SIPEM); Associazione ‘Il Nodo Group’
Marco Araldi
Corso di Formazione Specifica in Medicina Generale della Regione Piemonte, Torino; Società Italiana di Medicina Generale e delle cure primarie (SIMG) ;Associazione ‘Il Nodo Group’
Mario Perini
Associazione ‘Il Nodo Group’
Published December 27, 2020


A General Practice (GP) is evolving: multi-professional teams, computerized studies with advanced
diagnostics, users in unstoppable demographic and epidemiological transition, critical socioeconomic
framework. What are expectations and fears of colleagues who come to GP?
106 colleagues at the 2nd years of CFSMG Piemonte: “Imagine opening your office in SSN convention
in 2 months. What do I dream of: which GP would I like to be? And what I fear and I really
would not want”, answers in 10 minutes, anonymous. Analysis with Conventional Content Analysis
in triangulation between two authors.
Expectations and fears are modulated into 5 themes: Professional and Personal Space, Communication
and Relationship, Collaboration with other Professionals. An idealistic and idyllic vision of the
profession emerges and the aspiration to a clear demarcation between the times and spaces of the
profession and private life. Shadows transpire that portend doubts and fears regarding one’s professional
skills in working alone up to fear of Burnout.
We are concerned about the absence of a healthy pessimism of reason which implies the risk of bitter
disappointment in the face of daily difficulties. It is therefore also essential to help in touch with
grey areas, doubts and insecurities, without wanting to immediately seek reassuring explanations
and immediate remedies: awareness of problems is the first fundamental safeguard for the prevention
of Burnout and for the organization of their own personal resilience strategies.
Keywords Educational interventions and strategies, Burnout Physicians Prevention, Quality Research,
General Practice, Primary Care