Community participation in creating sustainable community-based tourism

  • Edi Kurniawan Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Mohamad Syifauddin Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: community-based tourism, community participation, sustainable tourism


Tourism is one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in the world. However, the development of tourism in various regions does not necessarily guarantee the welfare of the local community of tourist destinations. Then, the rapid development of tourism is also inseparable from the massive negative impacts. In constructing an ideal tourism development, the local government needs to pay attention to environmental and cultural preservation. Then, they also need to prioritize the interests of local communities in order to be able to become sustainable community-based tourism. This study intended to analyze the community participation in realizing sustainable community-based tourism in Karimunjawa. This study used primary and secondary data collected with snowball sampling selection techniques. The data collection methods used were in the form of participatory observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by using the interactive analysis method consisting of the process of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the typology of community participation in realizing sustainable community-based tourism in Karimunjawa is in the Spontaneous-Induced Participation type. The participation of the Karimunjawa community is the result of the incision between Spontaneous Participation and Induced Participation. In some dimensions, the participation is active and bottom-up, while in some other dimensions, participation is still top-down and passive.


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