A part of Nature or apart from Nature: a case for bio-philiation

  • Shé Mackenzie Hawke


Diverse inheritances of knowledge and experiences, along with current explorations of holistic sustainability, shows the potential for ecological longevity and how entanglements with natural worlds might be re-thought toward a better sharing of the world. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this article re-considers Edward O Wilson’s rendering of biophilia, as a response to present Anthropocene crises. The paper further argues for a stronger re-turn to First Nations ontologies, sustainability practices and dialogue, in the hope of re-discovering how being ‘a part of’ nature might better endorse a ‘love of nature’. Embedded in such inter-disciplinary and critical embodiment praxis are signification systems shown through nature/culture confluences, spiritual beliefs and traditions, that form part of a knowledge plexus that calls on humanity to act urgently.
