Reviewer Guidelines

Visions for Sustainability is an author-friendly journal. We see the review process as an endeavour to help authors render their work publishable. Our principal request is for reviewers to help our editors assess if a submission is scientifically sound. We particularly appreciate detailed comments on:

- the way the authors present the aims of their work

- the quality of the description of the methodological approaches

- the clarity with which data are presented

- the depth of the analysis, interpretation, and discussion of what emerges

- the conciseness of the conclusions

- the relevance of the citations and references

Most submissions require revision before publication. We ask reviewers to be constructive and provide feedback which gives authors guidance on what they should do to improve their submission. We also ask reviewers to express an opinion on the potential interest and significance of the paper in the field of sustainability literature.

We like to be able to inform our authors on the outcome of the review process as soon as possible. We therefore ask reviewers to send us their report typically within a maximum of three weeks after agreeing to review a submission.