Antifascismo esplicito e tacito all'Università di Torino 1926-1932 - Explicit and silent antifascism at the university of Turin1926-1932

  • Clara Silvia Roero
Parole chiave: Anti-fascism and networks, 20th century, F. Ruffini, G. Levi, G. Peano, Turin University


Some examples of explicit and tacit antifascism are sketched at the Turin university from 1926 to 1932. Through the lens of correspondence between professors of different disciplines we notice the solidarity and the combined effort to counter the dictatorial process in schools and society. Last we focus on the international network formed by the mathematician Giuseppe Peano around the plan of an international auxiliary language (interlingua) discussed in his Academy and journals. Listed as a dangerous anarchist, the rector of Turin university and the ministers of public education and foreign affairs denied him permission to go to an international congress in Geneva in 1930.

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